CCS Max Ratings Help

You can rate open-pairings with up to six different criteria. Each of the criterion can result in a colored star. You have full control over what the elusive green 6-star pairing will be.

Setting the Ratings Criteria

Go to the open-pairings page. If CCSMax is installed properly, the "Mixed-Equip" column label will be changed to "CCS Max Rating". If you don't see it, chances are you have the CCS Single-Page (right-side) option checked. Uncheck it and re-load page for now. if checked, the ratings are displayed once you select an individual pairing.

At the bottom of the page there'll be a link named "Show CCSMax Rating Settings". Click on that link to display the individual settings.

You can click on any of the settings to set a new value. If a value is set, there'll be a green-star and the current value displayed next to it. If no value is set, a gray-star will be displayed.

While looking at the ratings (see right), if you're not sure of the column definitions - hovering the mouse pointer over the title star will display the definition for that column.

Note that the software does not type-check the input too strongly - so please enter in the right format...otherwise it'll be a case of garbage-in garbage-out. Also, you need to re-load the page for the changes to take effect.

Set Desired/Avoid Overnight

Allows you to set desired and avoid overnight destinations. The format is a list of airport identifiers separated by commas. If you'd like to add airport/city name as a notation to yourself, you can add it separated by SPACE key. You can enter avoid overnight destinations, by prefixing a '-' key. The list can contain both desire and avoid entries.


OMA Omaha,-AEX

If at least one identifier in the desired-list is found in the pairing, a green-star will be displayed. Unless an identifier in the avoid-list is found. In other words, avoid-list overrides desired-list.

Set Desired/Avoid Dest

Allows you to set desired and avoid destinations. Same format as overnight.

Some examples:

STL,MCI Kansas City,DAB,BTR,MEM,XNA — EWR day tripper.
-YQB,-YUL,-YYZ,-YYT,-YHZ — don't like Canada, eh?
Set Minimum TAFB Ratio

Allows you to specify the minimum efficiency of a pairing. The ratio is a fraction between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive. It is the value of credit-time divided by time-away-from-base. Credit-time equals flight-time plus dead-head time.

You can specify a single ratio. In that case all pairing ratios >= that value will be green, rest red.

Optionally, you can specify two ratios separated by commas. Pairing ratios >= value #2 will be green, >= value #1 will be yellow and rest red.

The optimal value will be different depending on the number of days in the pairing. For day-trippers, a value of 0.58 will green flag all efficient day-trips.

This feature is not available for partial-pairings - i.e. pairing-names suffixed with "*".

Set Sit-time Thresholds

Excessive sit-times between legs can be flagged. Unlike previous releases, you now have full control over the thresholds.

You can specify different thresholds for base and out-stations. For each, you can specify a low and high threshold. Sit-times between low and high will be yellow and above high will be red, rest green.

You have to specify the four thresholds (base-low, base-high, outstation-low, outstation-high) in hhmm format separated by commas.

A reasonable threshold could be:


This will result in base sit-times between 2-3 hrs in yellow, greater than 3 in red and rest in green. For outstations - 1-2 hrs in yellow, greater than 2 in red and rest in green.

Set Desired Show/Done-time Windows

You can specify the desired show and/or done time.

You have to enter 4 numbers in hhmm format. First two is the window for show-time and the next two the window for done-time. If you don't care about one end, enter "0000,2359" for it.

Some examples:

0000,0900,0000,2359 — an early-birder's choice.
1200,2359,0000,1500 — a commuter's choice.

If a pairing satisfies both time windows, it'll be green; if just one window, it'll be yellow; else red.

Set Desired/Avoid Crew

Allows you to specify desired/avoid crew-members. Same format as overnight except you enter emp-id instead of airport identifier.

Note that the software will only check the crew-list in the first leg of the pairing. Crew position does not matter - software checks the emp-id field of all members.

Some examples:

80000 Jim,-E1234 Eric

In the above example, a pairing with Jim will be green. With Eric will be red. With both, will also be red.

Star Conditions
Desired/Avoid Overnight No desired or avoid overnight in pairing Avoid overnight found. Also overrides desired overnight N/S Desired overnight found
Desired/Avoid Dest No desired or avoid dest in pairing Avoid dest found. Also overrides desired dest N/S Desired dest found
Minimum TAFB Ratio (1-value set) Partial-pairing - cannot compute Pairing TAFB ratio < value N/S Pairing TAFB ratio >= value
Minimum TAFB Ratio (2-values set) Partial-pairing - cannot compute Pairing TAFB < value #1 Pairing TAFB >= value #1 and TAFB < value #2 Pairing >= value #2
Sit-time Thresholds N/S Sit-time >= high value Sit-time >= low and < high Sit-time < low
Desired Show/Done-time Windows N/S Not within either window Within one window Within both windows
Desired/Avoid Crew No desired or avoid crew in pairing Avoid crew found. Also overrides desired crew N/S Desired crew found